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Oral contraceptive in a sentence

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Sentence count:37Posted:2019-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: contraceptivecontraceptive pillcontraceptionoral contractbilateral contractformal contractlegal contractsocial contractMeaning: n. a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception. 
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31. The progestin dose in a minipill is lower than the progestin dose in a combination oral contraceptive pill.
32. The oral contraceptive pill, known simply as "the pill, " is a marvel of modern chemistry. It's the most popular form of birth control in the United States.
33. Hannaford's team looked for patterns between oral contraceptive use and death by disease or violent injury.
34. The oral contraceptive or other medicines cause the yellow speckle, should stop taking.
35. If you use the birth control pill — that is, an oral contraceptive — you're probably happy with its convenience and reliability.
36. Reported oral contraceptive use and parity was not different between the groups.
37. In 1960 the FDA approves Enovid for use as the first oral contraceptive.
More similar words: contraceptivecontraceptive pillcontraceptionoral contractbilateral contractformal contractlegal contractsocial contractcontractiveconceptivecontrastivedeceptiveperceptiveacceptivereceptivesusceptivecontrapositivedeceptivelynociceptiveperceptivelyunreceptiveinterceptiveexclusive contractself-deceptiveperceptivenessdeceptivenessreceptivenessdual controlproprioceptivesocial control
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